• Buyers
  • Sellers
  • Trade Analysis
Found - Buyers
from 181 Countries
Found - Sellers from 181 Countries
Import Export Data

The Dollar Business
presents EX-IM.

The most advanced AI-Powered Superengine
for exporters and importers.

By offering outstanding analytical data on buyers and sellers worldwide with the goal of promoting global trade and building business relationships, it supports your foreign trade strategies. Through our platform, we provide you with access to 20 million active companies from 181 countries, streamlining international trade for global businesses in a world where information is crucial.

Join us to overcome challenges and unlock global opportunities.


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The EX-IM edge

Exim Edge

Experience The AI-Powered Superengine

Businesses thrive when human intelligence and business work together. As a result, the company gains strength and influence in the realm of international trade and business. Our goal is to use technological improvement to make your business futuristic so that The Dollar Business (Ex-Im) can operate globally.

You and the entire globe will benefit from this breakthrough, which offers a single platform for finding opportunities in a market with eight billion consumers. You may stay ahead of the curve and jump across continents with The Dollar Business (Ex-Im). (And acquire the upper hand to keep a lead).

Exim Edge

One-of-its-kind foreign trade analytics platform

  • A unique platform for foreign trade analytics, Ex-Im.com assists exporters and importers worldwide in making commercial sense of a seemingly endless amount of structured and unstructured data related to international trade.
  • Our AI-powered, cloud-based platform may help you save money in your supply chain, expand your worldwide reach, and improve your market share—all while saving you important time and other resources.
  • What we commit to is actionable intelligence, or informatics that assists in gaining important insights into the global supply chain and in assessing current and potential trading partners.Our multi-level data sets and global coverage enable our clients to comprehend nearly all aspect of export-import relations, from the most intricate short- to medium-term supply and demand fluctuations throughout value chains to the most basic market fundamentals.

The Ultimate AI-Powered Superengine for Ex-Im Enthusiasts.

  • We combine information, technology, and human intelligence to simplify and increase the security of international trade for exporters and importers worldwide.
  • Our AI engine sorts through billions of pieces of data in nanoseconds to provide you with actionable intelligence driven by algorithms powered by flash technology.
  • Through its highly specialized built-in Big Data vaults, housed on its several cloud and physical servers, our hybrid engine extracts, processes, and distributes only a chosen portion of the data.


Making technology, information, and actionable intelligence work better for your EXIM business:

Smart Dashboard

It's an intelligent dashboard designed for our ever expanding network of the most astute customers on the planet.

Trade Analysis

It provides a deeper understanding of supply networks and export-import markets and aids in increasing their adaptability.

Port Analysis

It provides deeper understanding of supply networks and export-import markets and aids in increasing their adaptability.

Discover active buyers and
identify credible sellers

We make sure that our users receive “only useful” content. We support them in making strategic choices.

  • You can locate, identify, and comprehend buyers and suppliers across product categories and geographic locations with the aid of our diverse trade intelligence technology tools and sub-tools.
  • If you want to understand a supplier or buyer in-depth and see a chance in international trade, we are "the" place to be.
  • We also aim to address the significant issue of locating relevant data about a buyer or supplier in a single location by providing our users with valuable business data, including buying and selling capacities, trade frequencies between product categories and markets, and much more.


The Ex-Im intelligent dashboard understands your needs.

  • It is the product that may have the highest utility, logic, and user requirement quotients.
  • AI-enabled "Smart Box" that searches for businesses by name and groups them based on their activities, tracking all the shipment records you want to monitor.
  • Trade tracking has never been easier. You only need to visit Ex-Im Dashboard to fulfill all of your trade intelligence needs. It is, after all, a smart dashboard for our ever-expanding network of the most astute customers on Earth.

Nexus Charts

To whom does your rival sell? Who is his most avid customer? Who is the potential buyer for you? Similar-natured and weighted business questions have an answer in Nexus. Not to mention, our users now have a true sustainable competitive edge because they can better assess the transactions of their rivals and adjust their strategies as a result of having access to such valuable information.

The relationship between different buyer-seller firms in relation to "specific product categories" are broken down by product nexus. Which suppliers does the business use for its raw materials, and what are they? To whom and what products is it selling? A company's relationships with buyers and sellers that are specific to its products are displayed in the Product Nexus. That certainly sounds like a product designed for the astute and modern exporter-importer.

Trade Analysis

Top Seller Company
Top Buyer Company

Trade Analysis

Our trade analytics suite helps our
users make informed decisions

  • Our users are capable of doing everything from using high-level analytics to pinpoint growth markets to customizing production schedules based on demand seasonality and micro-level data to assist in accurately pricing products for various markets.
  • This not only gives them better insights into export-import markets and supply chains but also helps them improve flexibility to react to competition.
  • Our users can do everything from high-level analytics to pinpoint growth markets to micro-level data that aids in accurately pricing products for various markets. Production schedules can also be customized based on demand seasonality.
  • We give our users the opportunity to examine a variety of facets of international trade transactions in greater detail, assisting them in comprehending the flow, growth, and movement of a product or group of products over time.

Port Analysis

The way the complete shipping process is handled can often make or break a foreign trade deal. The procedure entails determining the answers to queries like:

  • What is the best way to transport my products to the buyer?
  • Which port is best equipped to handle my shipment?
  • Which port is being used by my competitor/peer?

While theoretically, you could go about with the research and calculation, practical experience appears to be the right place to look for answers.

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